Pancho Rabbit and the Coyote - Financial Donor Benefits
By becoming a Bodhi Tree Concerts’ financial sponsor, you join a strong and dedicated group of arts supporters in San Diego. Your name will be linked to a unique and generous mission of philanthropy through the local arts, plus a legacy project that will impact thousands of children and families in San Diego and beyond.
· Name recognition in all Bodhi Tree Concerts' printed programs for one year, and in the Pancho Rabbit World Premiere program
All of the above plus...
· A signed poster of the Pancho Rabbit World Premiere cast
All of the above plus…
· Invitation for two to a Private Concert & Wine Reception with composer, Anthony Davis
All of the above plus…
·A quarter-page acknowledgement/advertisement in the World Premiere printed program
All of the above plus...
· A half-page acknowledgement/advertisement in the World Premiere printed program
· Invitation for two to the Sitzprobe of Pancho Rabbit
$20,000+ - Production Partner
All of the above plus…
· Name/logo printed with all Bodhi Tree Concerts' marketing materials
· Acknowledgement Supertitle Slide
· Signed original Score
$50,000+ - Production Sponsor
All of the above plus…
· Full-page acknowledgement/advertisement in the printed program with photo
· Four VIP tickets to the World Premiere of Pancho Rabbit